Live Your Life

Live Your Life Mobile Game

On this amazing game your life will roll with luck, so you can win money or you must pay money. It's all about luck and taken the right decision. You'll roll the roulette and wait to see what's going to happen. The roulette will give you a number and you'll move the same number of squares. You'll play turn by turn with other players. You'll go to college and then you must stop at some hard decisions. Along side your journey you'll collect money or pay money and at the end the player with who have more money will win the game. You can take a look at every player's profile to know more about his\her life. You'll find job and you'll get married as you progress through this amazing game. At some points of the game you'll choose where you want to move and then you must aim the roulette for that point. When a player decides to retire then his\her money will be calculated and the value of his\her properties will be translated to his\her bank. The player will also receive 10.000$ for each child he\she have when he\she retire. The player who has more properties will earn lot of moneys.